With the current situation of Covid-19, our General Manager, Jean-François Roberge, as well as his better half decided to take the opportunity to visit Quebec during their holidays and try the ecological experience aboard the e-Golf.

Our vacationers traveled to the Charlevoix region, approximately 380 km from their home. Considering the e-Golf’s 200 km range, only two stops were needed to charge the vehicle on the way out, on the eco mode. To get there, our travelers took Highway 20, where they were able to stop at Drummondville for their first stop and at Benny & Compagnie de St-Apollinaire for the second. What they found very handy was that the charging stations were always located at the highway exits, so there was no need to venture into a city to refuel.

In addition, several places were limited in terms of parking, but there were always some available for plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles. Jean-François told us that the trip went like a charm. Going up slopes required a lot more energy, but it recovered almost completely on the descents. He even mentions that he was impressed by the power of the electric engine on the slopes. It did not require any additional effort from the vehicle. During their trip, they took the opportunity to visit several other regions such as Île d'Orléans, Malbaie, Isle-aux-Coudres and Quebec. Regarding the cargo space of the e-Golf, our two passengers each had a bicycle and a suitcase inside the vehicle, and they had no shortage of space.

Our travelers calculated an average wait of 15 to 25 minutes for each charge and a total cost of approximately $ 20 in public terminals for the entire trip. On the way back, only one stop was required considering that the eco + mode was activated. On this energy recovery mode, the air conditioning cannot be activated. Which was not a problem considering the cooler weather. Also note that it is not possible to drive faster than 90 km/h when the eco + mode is activated.

The e-Golf 2020 is available in the Comfortline version. However, it is possible to add several options such as the technology package, the driver assistance package, and the leatherette seats. We have a few in stock right now. Do not wait to come and try them out, they go quickly! Do not hesitate to contact us at Volkswagen Boisbriand, on the North Shore of Montreal a few minutes from Laval, to discover the 2020 e-Golf, by calling us at 450-623-8977 or writing to us by clicking here.